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Our approach to quality: a letter of commitment

Given that the satisfaction of our students and trainees, third parties, financiers and guardians constitutes a major issue in terms of legitimacy, clarity and attractiveness, IFITS has confirmed its commitment to a formalised approach to quality in its 2017/2021 strategic initiative.

This commitment satisfies the requirements of the French law dated 5 March 2014 relating to professional training, employment and social democracy, and those within the French decree dated 30 June 2015 stipulating quality criteria for training. Furthermore, the commitment is an opportunity to prepare for external evaluation by the French High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education.

As well as ensuring the satisfaction of our clients, I hope that our approach to quality will be a source of fulfilment in the workplace and a means of motivating each member of our team, helping them to develop their skills.
 In my resolute determination to implement a successful, sustainable and efficient training facility, I have introduced a Quality Management System, which is based on developing a culture of quality throughout the institute. Today, our entire workforce shares the objective of improving our educational, technical and organisational practices.

An internal audit shall allow us to develop a risk management system and to strengthen the quality of various processes, making the quality of our performance and organisation more transparent. Priority will be given to ensuring that our clients are satisfied, so as to provide the best possible service.

I am convinced that our commitment to the ongoing improvement of our training facility confirms our philosophy—the desire to put each student or trainee at the heart of all that we do, to support them on the road to professional qualification.
I know that I can rely on the involvement of the entire IFITS team to meet this challenge together.


                                                                                                                       Christine Marchal
                                                                                                                       Director of GIP-IFITS ("groupement d'intérêt public" – public interest group)
                                                                                                                       General Coordinator of Training Institutes